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RHSC Delivers Beyond Auditory Processing Course

Presented by Larry Medwetsky, Ph.D., CCC-A to an Audience of Audiology and Speech-Language Professionals from Across The Country.

On March 25th, RHSC hosted a full-day Auditory Processing Course presented by Larry Medwetsky, Ph.D., CCC-A. This course, attended over Zoom by nearly 40 audiology and speech professionals from across the country, examined the underlying processes, possible breakdowns, assessment, and interventions in the context of what the listener faces in everyday situations, recognizing the intertwining of various processes, such as auditory processing, cognition, and language. The goal was to provide practical information that can assist professionals in addressing the needs of individuals struggling to process and retain spoken-language information.

Attendees also had the opportunity to engage in a Q & A session with Dr. Medwetsky, a recognized expert in this area, posing questions concerning the presentation or any clients they may serve.

Course objectives included how to:

  • Describe the specific impact of deficits in the various processes engaged in spoken-language processing and how such deficits can be manifested in everyday life.

  • Describe an approach to developing a comprehensive test battery that, in turn, can be used to determine the specific spoken-language processing deficits present.

  • Categorize the three types of interventional strategies that can be implemented with individuals with spoken-language processing deficits, as well as provide examples within each category.

Dr. Larry Medwetsky is a former VP os Clinical Services at Rochester Hearing & Speech Center, and a Retired Professor in the Doctoral Audiology Program at Gallaudet University. Dr. Medwetsky has evaluated over 1,500 individuals with auditory-based processing disorders, published numerous chapters/articles on this topic, and presented at many workshops and conferences as an invited speaker. In recognition of his expertise, Dr. Medwetsky served on the AAA task force to develop guidelines for audiologists in diagnosing and managing CAPD as well as on the ASHA task force to examine the SLP’s role in managing CAPD.


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